Բոլոր թարգմանված տողերի տակ նշմարվում են անգլերեն տեքստի տողերը: Դուք կարող եք դրանք տեղափոխել որևէ այլ փաստաթուղթ, մեծացնել, փոխել տառերի գույնը և ծանոթանալ բնօրինակին:
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
1 School Library Definition
What is a school library? : International Guidelines
Report prepared by the Research Team, Research SIG,
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
Published on behalf of the Research Team by
Helen Boelens PhD
Chair, IASL Research SIG
August, 2012.
An appropriate description of a school library and a school library program. Team
members of the IASL Research SIG agree that it is important to consider and communicate
the purpose, mission and intent of school libraries, not only to those who work in the Library
and Information Science (LIS) discipline, but also to those who are concerned with the
provision of educational quality to all students throughout the world: government
administrators, school leaders, educators and others who are not members of the LIS
community. An appropriate definition should be relatively simple, and clearly understood,
encompassing the various types of school libraries across the globe, and should be used as a
benchmark so that school libraries that fall below the standard will strive to reach the ideal.
Furthermore the document should complement existing concepts presented in other wellknown
documents, for example the IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto (1999).
Also, an appropriate definition for a school library at international level is essential
before meaningful international research about school libraries can be carried out.
Images and concepts of the function of a school library vary from place to place, from
state to state and from country to country. School libraries throughout the world come in
many different shapes and sizes. Some school library collections are inadequate with
insufficient books for all the students in the school; books are often outdated, old and dirty.
Books and information in the students’ mother tongue are unavailable.
Furthermore, some schools do not have a room or special space for the school
library. There is no central accommodation which provides access to books, information,
audio-visual materials, other media, and reliable Internet access. Some have no electric
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
2 Դպրոցի գրադարանի սահմանումը
2 School Library Definition
Also, people who run school libraries are often teachers, parents, volunteers and
sometimes the children themselves, who have received various levels of (or virtually no)
training in library and information science. A review of the literature has shown that in many
countries, a school librarian / teacher librarian is actually a teacher who has been put in charge
of the school library, often on top of a full teaching load. The term “school librarian” or
“teacher librarian” can be used for qualified personnel, but is also be used to refer to anyone
manning the school library, even a clerk. Team members agree that library staff members
should be encouraged to take advantage of available training programs whenever possible,
thus enhancing their qualifications so that they will eventually became trained (accredited) school
librarians/teacher librarians.
While there is a great variety in school libraries and school library staff, as described
above, is true, they all have a common purpose - a focus on student learning. The learning
environment which school libraries provide will certainly vary, however it is that common
purpose which inspires school librarians to constantly improve and to connect with the school
What are the basic requirements of a school library? The research team recognizes the
need to distinguish between defining a school library and setting standards or guidelines for
basic requirements of school libraries. In May 2012, all members of the research team were
invited to submit their comments. It has been agreed that an incomplete description would at
least contain some of the following aspects:
• Դպրոցի գրադարանները ունեն մի քանի կարևոր ֆունկցիաներ և դրանցից ամենակարևորներն են
School libraries have a number of critical functions / central roles, but perhaps the most important are:
o Նպաստել, որ սիրեն սովորել:
Promoting the love of learning.
o Աջակցել դպրոցի ուսումնական գործընթացին մեծացնելով սովորեցնելու և սովորելու համար անհրաժեշտ ռեսուրսները:
Supporting the school curriculum; expanding resources to support teaching and learning. It offers advice, professional development and knowledge of appropriate learning and teaching material, digital
and non-digital, in traditional and emerging forms.
o Teaching learners media and information literacy skills, while at the same time thoughtfully introducing and integrating available information and communication technologies. This function includes International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
3 School Library Definition
supporting inquiry and ensuring that all learners are effective and
ethical users and producers of information.
o Promoting literacy (on all platforms). The school library assists with
literacy development and promotes the concept of reading as a
pleasurable, voluntary activity, which contributes to an individual’s
quality of life.
• The school library program supports learning and teaching for the entire school
community; it should be a constructivist learning environment, supporting the
school curriculum and promoting resource-based learning.
• The school library is a learning environment that provides space (physical or
virtual), access to resources, and services to encourage and support student and
teacher learning.
• The school library program provides expertise in both pedagogy and Media
and Information skills.
• School libraries throughout the world are run / managed by school librarians /
teacher librarians who have been educated to carry out this work and have
received an applicable accreditation. School librarians/teacher librarians have
an orientation to this service profession, continuously contributing to quality
teaching and authentic learning. School librarians offer advice, professional
development and knowledge of appropriate learning and teaching materials,
digital and non-digital, (Phillips, 2011) in traditional and emerging formats.
Their behavioural attitude enables them to actively engage the students and
Does the lack of qualified personnel deny it the status of a school library?
Qualified personnel is the norm, however many enthusiastic people who are
managing school libraries are still attempting to reach this norm (see above).
• The school library and the school library staff draw attention to the expanding
resources available for teaching and learning, supporting the curriculum,
supporting teaching and learning, however, team members agree that in many
parts of the world school library resources are mostly books and other print
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
4 School Library Definition
media, as well as a variety of audiovisual resources.
• Most conventional definitions emphasize the collection as the heart of a
school library, describing a library as a collection of books and other
resources organized for use.
• Accommodation, a space for the school library, is also important, not only
central school libraries but also classroom library corners and portable
libraries that provide school library services in many parts of the world.
An international school library toolkit would provide instruments and services for
school libraries throughout the world and should be appropriate for (full or partial) usage in
many different learning situations. It must therefore rely on an international definition or
description of what a school library actually is. It should be possible to apply this description to
school libraries in developing, emerging and developed countries, in all the IASL world regions.
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
1 School Library Definition
What is a school library? : International Guidelines
Report prepared by the Research Team, Research SIG,
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
Published on behalf of the Research Team by
Helen Boelens PhD
Chair, IASL Research SIG
August, 2012.
An appropriate description of a school library and a school library program. Team
members of the IASL Research SIG agree that it is important to consider and communicate
the purpose, mission and intent of school libraries, not only to those who work in the Library
and Information Science (LIS) discipline, but also to those who are concerned with the
provision of educational quality to all students throughout the world: government
administrators, school leaders, educators and others who are not members of the LIS
community. An appropriate definition should be relatively simple, and clearly understood,
encompassing the various types of school libraries across the globe, and should be used as a
benchmark so that school libraries that fall below the standard will strive to reach the ideal.
Furthermore the document should complement existing concepts presented in other wellknown
documents, for example the IFLA/UNESCO School Library Manifesto (1999).
Also, an appropriate definition for a school library at international level is essential
before meaningful international research about school libraries can be carried out.
Images and concepts of the function of a school library vary from place to place, from
state to state and from country to country. School libraries throughout the world come in
many different shapes and sizes. Some school library collections are inadequate with
insufficient books for all the students in the school; books are often outdated, old and dirty.
Books and information in the students’ mother tongue are unavailable.
Furthermore, some schools do not have a room or special space for the school
library. There is no central accommodation which provides access to books, information,
audio-visual materials, other media, and reliable Internet access. Some have no electric
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
2 Դպրոցի գրադարանի սահմանումը
2 School Library Definition
Also, people who run school libraries are often teachers, parents, volunteers and
sometimes the children themselves, who have received various levels of (or virtually no)
training in library and information science. A review of the literature has shown that in many
countries, a school librarian / teacher librarian is actually a teacher who has been put in charge
of the school library, often on top of a full teaching load. The term “school librarian” or
“teacher librarian” can be used for qualified personnel, but is also be used to refer to anyone
manning the school library, even a clerk. Team members agree that library staff members
should be encouraged to take advantage of available training programs whenever possible,
thus enhancing their qualifications so that they will eventually became trained (accredited) school
librarians/teacher librarians.
While there is a great variety in school libraries and school library staff, as described
above, is true, they all have a common purpose - a focus on student learning. The learning
environment which school libraries provide will certainly vary, however it is that common
purpose which inspires school librarians to constantly improve and to connect with the school
What are the basic requirements of a school library? The research team recognizes the
need to distinguish between defining a school library and setting standards or guidelines for
basic requirements of school libraries. In May 2012, all members of the research team were
invited to submit their comments. It has been agreed that an incomplete description would at
least contain some of the following aspects:
• Դպրոցի գրադարանները ունեն մի քանի կարևոր ֆունկցիաներ և դրանցից ամենակարևորներն են
School libraries have a number of critical functions / central roles, but perhaps the most important are:
o Նպաստել, որ սիրեն սովորել:
Promoting the love of learning.
o Աջակցել դպրոցի ուսումնական գործընթացին մեծացնելով սովորեցնելու և սովորելու համար անհրաժեշտ ռեսուրսները:
Supporting the school curriculum; expanding resources to support teaching and learning. It offers advice, professional development and knowledge of appropriate learning and teaching material, digital
and non-digital, in traditional and emerging forms.
o Teaching learners media and information literacy skills, while at the same time thoughtfully introducing and integrating available information and communication technologies. This function includes International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
3 School Library Definition
supporting inquiry and ensuring that all learners are effective and
ethical users and producers of information.
o Promoting literacy (on all platforms). The school library assists with
literacy development and promotes the concept of reading as a
pleasurable, voluntary activity, which contributes to an individual’s
quality of life.
• The school library program supports learning and teaching for the entire school
community; it should be a constructivist learning environment, supporting the
school curriculum and promoting resource-based learning.
• The school library is a learning environment that provides space (physical or
virtual), access to resources, and services to encourage and support student and
teacher learning.
• The school library program provides expertise in both pedagogy and Media
and Information skills.
• School libraries throughout the world are run / managed by school librarians /
teacher librarians who have been educated to carry out this work and have
received an applicable accreditation. School librarians/teacher librarians have
an orientation to this service profession, continuously contributing to quality
teaching and authentic learning. School librarians offer advice, professional
development and knowledge of appropriate learning and teaching materials,
digital and non-digital, (Phillips, 2011) in traditional and emerging formats.
Their behavioural attitude enables them to actively engage the students and
Does the lack of qualified personnel deny it the status of a school library?
Qualified personnel is the norm, however many enthusiastic people who are
managing school libraries are still attempting to reach this norm (see above).
• The school library and the school library staff draw attention to the expanding
resources available for teaching and learning, supporting the curriculum,
supporting teaching and learning, however, team members agree that in many
parts of the world school library resources are mostly books and other print
International Association of School Librarianship (IASL)
4 School Library Definition
media, as well as a variety of audiovisual resources.
• Most conventional definitions emphasize the collection as the heart of a
school library, describing a library as a collection of books and other
resources organized for use.
• Accommodation, a space for the school library, is also important, not only
central school libraries but also classroom library corners and portable
libraries that provide school library services in many parts of the world.
An international school library toolkit would provide instruments and services for
school libraries throughout the world and should be appropriate for (full or partial) usage in
many different learning situations. It must therefore rely on an international definition or
description of what a school library actually is. It should be possible to apply this description to
school libraries in developing, emerging and developed countries, in all the IASL world regions.
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