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LESSON ONE – The First Day of School
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LESSON ONE – The First Day of School
- We give novices an understanding of why “Setting the Tone” is so important on the first day of school.
- We provide teachers with a script of what to say during the first day of school, as well as productive activities that lay the groundwork for a year of productive learning.
- Teachers will learn how to identify students that will need specialized instruction or attention later.
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LESSON TWO – Using Rationales to Build Relationships
LESSON TWO – Using Rationales to Build Relationships
- Teachers will understand that students will be more likely to comply with rules if they know WHY the rule exists
- We show teachers how to document their answers to “Frequently Asked Questions”, and file them for easy access later.
- Time-saving techniques will be revealed to teachers that will make answering parent emails a painless process.
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LESSON THREE – Building Relationships With Parents & Staff
LESSON THREE – Building Relationships With Parents & Staff
- Teachers will understand that 90% of a teacher’s success or failure can be tied to the relationships he/she forms with parents, staff, and administration.
- Teachers will learn how to use specific techniques to form connections with stakeholders that will empower them to perform their job properly.
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LESSON FOUR – Your Teaching Evaluation
LESSON FOUR – Your Teaching Evaluation
- The teaching evaluation is one of the most important documents that the teacher will receive in their career, but the techniques needed to score well on the evaluation are vague.
- Teachers will be shown “look fors” that many administrators look for when they do teacher evaluations.
- Teachers will learn how to discuss the results of their evaluation with their administrator in a professional manner.
LESSON FIVE – Contacting Parents the Right Way
- Teachers will learn how to contact parents in a way that enlists their help rather than creating an adversarial relationship.
- Teachers will learn about “Trigger Words”, words that should not be used by teachers when conferencing with parents
- Teachers will be shown ways to give parents the same message without using inflammatory language.
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LESSON SIX – Making a Good First Impression
LESSON SIX – Making a Good First Impression
- Teachers will develop strategies to establish themselves as professional, competent individuals in the eyes of administrators, parents, and colleagues.
- Teachers will develop strategies to communicate their “Moral Imperative” to educate children to administrators, parents, and colleagues.
LESSON SEVEN – Can You Be Liked AND Respected?
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- Teachers will know what behaviors cause them to lose respect in the eyes of students.
LESSON EIGHT – Solving Mysteries
- Teachers will examine ways to encourage students to tell the truth when questioned about incidents that happen in the classroom.
- Teachers will involve the right people to help them determine the perpetrators of wrongdoing in their classroom.
- Teachers will learn techniques to combat the “Culture of Silence” that many students live by when it comes to reporting wrongdoing.
LESSON NINE – Avoiding Litigation
- In our litigious society, educators are routinely sued by parents for a variety of reasons. This lesson will help teachers protect themselves from lawsuits.
- Teachers will be told which types of behaviors can land them in legal trouble.
LESSON TEN – Make Perception a Reality
- In the world of education, “Perception is Reality”. This lesson shows teachers how to establish a perception of themselves as caring, competent professionals.
- This lesson also shows teachers how to change a negative perception if they have made a poor first impression.
LESSON ELEVEN – Discussion Topics to Avoid
- Teachers sometimes try to appear “cool” to students by having class discussions about inappropriate topics. Sometimes, class discussions start out as appropriate, then veer into inappropriate territory.
- Teachers will learn how to avoid controversial or inappropriate class discussions, and how to steer off-topic discussions back to an appropriate direction.
LESSON TWELVE – Using Video Technology Correctly
- Teachers will be shown how to implement video technology in their classroom without spending money.
- A variety of video technologies will be explored, and their “pros” and “cons” will be examined.
LESSON THIRTEEN – New Teacher Strengths
- Most novice teachers are continually told what they are NOT good at. This lesson will focus on the strengths that all new teachers possess – and how to make these strengths work to their advantage.
LESSON FOURTEEN – Sample Discipline Plan
- The discipline plan is a “make or break” document for a new teacher. This lesson shows novices how to construct a strong discipline plan, and implement it so that it works.
LESSON FIFTEEN – Documentation
- Many teachers learn the hard way that “if it isn’t documented…it didn’t happen”. This lesson shows teachers how to keep accurate records.
- Equal in importance to keeping accurate records is the filing system necessary to quickly find the information needed to protect themselves from threats. Teachers will learn how to organize their documentation for easy access.
LESSON SIXTEEN – Building Relationships
- Teachers will learn how to build relationships with various stakeholders in order to use the relationships for positive educational outcomes for students.
LESSON SEVENTEEN – Dealing With Difficult Parents
- The reason many novice teachers give for leaving the profession is dealing with difficult parents. This lesson shows teachers how to communicate with these difficult people.
- Teachers will learn how to communicate with, gain support from, and respectfully disagree with these stakeholders.
LESSON EIGHTEEN – The First Week of School
- The first week of school is incredibly important for novice teachers. This lesson shows new teachers how to set up routines, procedures, and consistency in order to have a successful school year.
LESSON NINETEEN – Career Killers
- The points contained in this lesson can result in the termination of a teacher – and are therefore very important for every teacher to know.
- Teachers will learn to avoid these types of situations, and how to extricate themselves from danger.
LESSON TWENTY – Using the Lines of Communication Available to You
- Teachers will be shown all of the various communication channels with parents, administrators, students, and colleagues.
- Students thrive on the miscommunication between school and home. This lesson shows teachers how to bypass students, and communicate with parents directly so that there are no misunderstandings.
LESSON TWENTY-ONE – Things You May Not Have Been Taught in College
- Teacher education programs focus primarily on educational theory. This lesson gives teachers an introduction to a few practical applications of educational theory.
- Many of the points contained in this lesson were learned by “Trial & Error”. It is our hope that the teachers who take this course will learn without the pain associated with the “Trial & Error” technique.
LESSON TWENTY-TWO – Your Mental Health
- A significant percentage of teachers “burn out” after just a few years of teaching. This lesson shows teachers how to pace themselves in their career so that this doesn’t happen to them.
- Techniques to lessen stress, let go of negative thoughts, and recharge batteries will be discussed.
LESSON TWENTY-THREE – Make Yourself Indispensible
- Teachers will learn techniques to make themselves an integral part of the school community.
- Teachers will learn how to identify areas of need on their campus, and receive training to fill those specific needs.
LESSON TWENTY-FOUR – Your Grading Plan
- The “Last Frontier” of teacher control is the grading policies implemented by each individual teacher. They are like snowflakes – no two teachers are alike.
- Teachers will learn about the faulty math necessary to believe that a “zero” is a fair grade to give a student.
LESSON TWENTY-FIVE –The Last Weeks of School
- Many books, websites, and online courses show teachers how to handle the first week of school. This lesson examines the equally important LAST weeks of school, and shows teachers how to finish the school year on a positive note.
- Teachers will be shown the characteristics of good activities that are possible after the state test has been given, the library has been shut down, and students’ brains are on early vacation.
LESSON TWENTY-SIX – Using Summer to Prepare
- Summer vacation is the best time for teachers to engage in activities that prepare them for a productive school year. This lesson shows teachers how to rest, recharge, receive training, and do other activities to prepare for the school year.
- Teachers sometimes feel trapped in a job or situation that is not conducive to their personal and professional growth. This lesson will show teachers how to keep their resume updated, their interview answers polished, and their Philosophy of Education ready in order for them to be in control of where they work.
- Teachers will be taught how to stand out from the hundreds of other applicants for their desired teaching position.
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